New Audio Thursday – 30/01/14 – “Journey” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

We have the very first Episode of our brand new series, based on Jules Verne’s, “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” :-

A journey to a bookshop and the purchase of an ancient manuscript leads to a great discovery and the start of an incredible journey.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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New Audio Thursday – 09/01/14 – “Rising Black” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

This week we have the Third Episode of our original Sci-Fi Series :-

This Episode of 2109 dedicated to Chip Joel

“Pike and the crew of the ASIMOV-3, light-years from home and stranded for the moment on said asteroid, now must deal with the consequences of life on other planets / asteroids … ALONE …

While back on the Earth, C.I.A./Solar O.S.S. Director Carlson’s betrayals, dalliances, and COVERT illegal Black OPERATIONS are ALL now coming to light. All of which could easily destroy him and possibly topple a world power…

Director Carlson is not pleased …
And THIS makes Carlson and his SOLAR O.S.S. even more dangerous …”

2109 - Black Sun Rising
2109 – Episode #3: – Series 1 – “The Black Rises”

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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New Audio Thursday – 19/12/13 – “Stage Show” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

The chimpanzee Galen was caught by General Urko while freeing the human astronauts. Is there hope for such a human-loving chimp on the Planet of the Apes? And what of Brad and Jeff? Find out in the exciting conclusion to Mike McCarthy’s Planet of the Apes UK Stage Show :-

POTA UK Stage Show
Planet of the Apes – UK Stage Show – Act II

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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23/11/13 – Doctor Who – Happy 50th Birthday …

Concluding our Celebrations of a certain 50th Anniversary :-

Join Stevie K. Farnaby (AKA SKiFfle) (Producer / Engineer), and Mark Kalita aboard the TARDIS, for a fun chat celebrating 50 years of Dr. Who. Amongst numerous Whovian related themes, they discuss how they both discovered Dr. Who, what it’s meant to them over the years, and how Mak became one of the longest standing Audio Doctors ever (10 years this year!). Note, this show also contains speculation on what 50th Anniversary Episode has in store.

Listen out for a rather special never before heard “Event One” segment, direct from the MAKalita archives …

Doctor Who
Behind the Sofa – 50th Anniversary Special …

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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21/11/13 – “An Adventure in Time and Space” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

Continuing our Celebrations of a certain Anniversary, here is the second of two Mock Magazine Cover Posters :-

50th Anniversary - Poster 2
50th Anniversary – Poster 2

Next up, in Bill’s words, “The OTR SwagCast is Back and Lothar Tuppan is your Hoster with the Moster! Yes – I said Most-er” … :-

OTR SwagCast
OTR SWAG CAST Season 5 – Episode 10

And watch out for a very special Whovian surprise at 1 minute past midnight (UK Time) on Saturday morning …

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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