Please note: BSAP is not a paying market for audio drama scripts. No one is getting paid for this and we do not charge anything for access to our productions.
All work is released under the Creative Commons License.
BrokenSea Audio Productions (BSAP) are interested in unsolicited audio drama scripts across all genres.
Scripts can be presented in the following way.
What we are Looking For
We will consider all script concepts. Original shows are preferred; please send a query regarding your concept for a fan-fiction series
We will consider audio adaptations of existing novels but only with written permission from the author and copyright holder.
Classic films adaptations will be considered.
Audio adaptations of works in the public domain will also be considered.
1. General Submission Guidelines
i. Scripts must be in audio script format and in readable font (12pt courier or Arial)
ii. Must include your name and contact details on the first page
ii. Electronic submissions only to
iv. Send scripts as an attachment in RTF format only – not in the body of your email
v. Cover letters introducing yourself and any relevant experience get read first.
vi. Do not submit multiple scripts
vii. Do not simultaneously submit your scripts to other audio production groups.
2. One off and sketch pieces
Scripts must be a complete script of up to 30 pages in length (1.5 line spacing, 12 point readable font- Courier or Arial).
We accept scripts in any genre
Sketches and Sound Bites (super short scripts – flash for the ears) will be 1-5 pages in length.
If you wish to submit a comedy sketch set or a Sound Bite you can submit up to 5 separate pieces at one time, or scripts to a maximum of 20 pages.
3. Series Proposals
Series scripts must have the following.
1. The first three episodes of the first season (a season is 12-15 episodes)
2. A detailed synopsis of the remaining episodes
4. Response Times.
You will receive confirmation that your script has been received within 48 hours.
Follow up will be within 30 days of date of electronic submission.
If you have not had a response after 30 days, please email us for an update.
5. After acceptance
Your scripts may be edited for structure, typos and continuity
You may be asked for re-writes. Writers are involved in the editing process and final production draft will be by mutual agreement between the writer and BSAP.
6. Production Schedule
BSAP currently has shows scheduled through to the last quarter of 2008.
We will endeavor to produce your script, or launch your series within 12 months of acceptance.
6 Responses to Submissions