New Audio Thursday – 17/07/14 – “Dungeons” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

Episode 2 of our brand spanking new original series is now online ! :-

Lorak and Axelrak, imprisoned in the dungeons of Adar, encounter allies and enemies, both old and new.

Sword of the Crimson Tatters
Sword of the Crimson Tatters
Arc 1 “The Sword is Forged.” Episode 2 “Allegiances”

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


Posted in Productions | 3 Comments

05/06/14 – “Dark and SWAGGY” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

OTR Swagcast is back and with a CBSRMT Audio special too :-

OTR SwagCast
OTR SWAG CAST Season 6 – Episode 1

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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New Audio Thursday – 08/05/14 – “In Tatters” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

Episode 1 of our brand spanking new original series is now online ! :-

The forging of the Sword of the Crimson Tatters commences in the southern wastelands of the Western Principalities as the mercenary Lorak and the necromancer Axelrak meet amidst intrigue, bloodshed, and sorcery.

Sword of the Crimson Tatters
Sword of the Crimson Tatters
Arc 1 “The Sword is Forged.” Episode 1 “Heirs Apparent”

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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New Audio Thursday – 10/04/14 – “Simian” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

In Ape City Ursus has assembled his Gorilla Army for WAR with the MUTANTS… A discovery and it’s implications may well affect All futures and possibly ALL SIMIAN KIND!! :-

Beneath The Planet of The Apes
Beneath The Planet of the Apes – Episode 10

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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New Audio Thursday – 13/02/14 – “In Tatters” Thursday …

I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!

As we get ready to launch yet another brand-spanking new original series, here’s a taster trailer to wet your appetites :-

The Sword of the Crimson Tatters, an original Sword and Sorcery Audio Drama set in a surreal world where a decadent Humanity is drawing its last breaths. Where Eldritch things and, perhaps, Hope rise up one last time before the final sunset.

Sword of the Crimson Tatters
Sword of the Crimson Tatters

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….


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