I hope this post finds you well and that you’re ready to enjoy some great audio!
Celebrations are in order at BrokenSea Towers !!!
I think Bill Hollweg said it best :
“Be ye a listener, a writer, a VA, a mixer or just a groovy cat – Back in 2007 BrokenSea officially launched on March 2, and without everyone here it could be the dream machine it has turned into where all is possible in the groovy vortex of audio!
Thank you all as making Audio Drama is the best thing I have ever been a part of! Hoist a Tankard and grab a blaster! Again thank you all!”
And speaking of Mr. Hollweg and Birthdays, Happy Birthday Amigo ! Hope you had a great one !
And for some audio. The wedding of Atherton and Krinaia is interrupted when the church turns into a swamp and time ceases to exist along a linear plane in a brand spanking new Episode :-

Maudelayne Series 4 Episode 6: Behind Time
Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy making ….