Welcome to the NEW, New Audio Thursday my fellow Hooligans!
You’ve waited long enough. You’ve been patient, and supportive and we can tell you how much it means to us that so many of you contacted us not only to tell us about the initial hack of our site, but to tell us that you’re still out there waiting for our return and for new episodes of your favorite shows. This not only marks the return of NAT, but also my return behind the scenes as your weekly Hooligan of Audio Goodies. I can’t thank Stevie enough for all of the hard work he has put in over the last year taking on this job. He deserves many, many pints of Guinness for his effort. Make sure you send him some in thanks!
Without further adieu, we have new episodes from four shows for your listening pleasure:
Jake Sampson: “The Gods of War” Episode 2
Maudelayne: Hanging by a Thread
We thank you again for your support and we hope you enjoy our shows and spread the audio!
13 Responses to New Audio Thursday 22/09/2010