Art by: Alexa Chipman
The wedding of Atherton and Krinaia is interrupted when the church turns into a swamp and time ceases to exist along a linear plane.
Written, Cast and Directed by Alexa Chipman
Produced, Engineered and Directed by Stevie K. Farnaby (AKA SKiFfle)
Recurring Voice Talent:
Mark Kalita as Percy Atherton
Paeter Frandsen as John Westbrook
David Maciver as Nigel Worsley
Kim Gianopoulos as Miss Jane Worsley
Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as Krinaia
Guest Voice Talent:
Marleigh Norton as the Sheep
Rish Outfield as John Atherton
Tanja Milojevic as the White Queen
Music Provided By:
Spare Parts
The following Audio Drama is rated G- for General Audience and is suitable for all ages. For more info:
5 Responses to Maudelayne Series 4 Episode 6: Behind Time