Swag’s back and the creepy is freaky!
SHOO WEE! Texas Holdum here flying the Rowdy Rita through the darned worst October Storm in His-tor-EE!! All just to bring ya’ll the week 1 Halloween Swag Cast, where we all go on down to a Haunted Disco, then head over to see what all’s up with a plague in Illinois, then over to that ol’ Dunwich place before checking in on that fanged beedie offa Widow’s Hill in New England! And man is it creepy Swag Ya’ll!!
OTR Rocks !!!
(No Mayan Calendars of Prophecy were harmed in the making of this episode…)
Music in this ep provided by: Stevie K. Farnaby (AKA SKiFfle), and Seraphic Panoply
And also of NOTE! This show is rated PG for parental guidance. Thanks Jack/Shan and Jeremy!! For more info: http://theaudiodramadirectory.com/ratings/