Welcome back to the Swag Cast for:
Welcome back to the OTR Swag Cast, where I remove the hiss and you listen to the OTR Groovy!
Anyway, tonight we feature “Mars is Heaven” tale by the master Ray Bradbury as well as the 2-parter “Earth Abides” based on R. Stewart’s 1949 post-apocalyptic science fiction novel!!!
And that’s not all- Grenville’s Planet also teleports in from the anthology OTR AD series: SF68!!!
So thank you for listening and set the warp drive for OTR!
Because OTR ROX!!!!!
(Now what’d I do with my Romulan ale??? LOL)
OTR ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Music in this ep provided by: Stevie K. Farnaby (AKA SKiFfle), and Seraphic Panoply
And also of NOTE! This show is rated PG for parental guidance. Thanks Jack/Shan and Jeremy!! For more info: http://theaudiodramadirectory.com/ratings/