OTR SWAG CAST Season 2 – Episode 24 – Part 1

Every Thursday you now get a part 1 and part 2 of the Swag Cast and both will fit onto a CD. On with the Show!


Doc, Jack and Reggie are back again with the Dead STILL needing burying in Arizona!
AND… Emma and John are still wondering- so Stop me if you’ve heard this One!!


“Spelunking in the Hermit’s Cave” THURSDAY!!

Some creepy anthologies greet thine ears this night straight from the insane host of “The Hermit’s Cave!” So bring your torches and pick axes as we descend into the bowels of CREEP-DOM!

OTR Rocks !!!

Bill Hollweg

Music in this ep provided by: Stevie K. Farnaby (AKA SKiFfle) and Seraphic Panoply

And also of NOTE! This show is rated PG for parental guidance. Thanks Jack/Shan and Jeremy!! For more info: http://theaudiodramadirectory.com/ratings/

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