September 1970 – It was a month when Simon and Garfunkle’s ‘Bridge Over Troubled Waters’ topped the charts. Mrs. Farnaby gave birth to a long-haired Yorkshire scruff-bag. Says Stevie, “I entered this world feet first, laughing me socks off, resembling the ‘Wild Man of Borneo’, and with an appetite for good beer, great music, quality Cheddar cheese, and a chocolate addiction. Aside from Jimi Hendrix passing away four days after I was born, not a lot has changed …”
Stevie K. Farnaby (AKA SKiFfle) is a member of the Exec Team for, a prolific award-winning Audio Producer, Musician, Sound Designer, Voice Actor, Graphic Designer and Webmaster. A Yorkshireman at heart, he is married with 3 wonderful sons, 2 dogs, a baby dragon, and a fried egg sandwhich which is going cold …