Holiday Hunting Part 2

What seemed like easy money for our stalwart Heroes Samuel S. Ulysses and Ackbar, retrieving the fictional head of Tante Claus, for a female client who seemed like a crazed lunitic escaped from a psycho ward- Jacquelynn Frost, has proved a bit tougher than they thought…

Santa is indeed REAL, Ulysses has received nothing but coal in his stocking since the age of 5, Miss Frost is ACTUALLY a Dark Elemental in control of the Winter Elements, and Ulysses best friend Ackbar has been knocked unconscious tripping in the polar snows and finding the Peppermint Candy Cane marking the North Pole with his noggin’…

Will our heroes escape this dire predicament? Will Santa survive to bring toys to the good little girls and boys? Or will Jacquelynn Frost take over the North Pole in her spandex mini-skirt and wield the ultimate power of the Asgorath Cabal? Will Ackbar ever get a drink? These and many more mysteries will have to be solved if the UNIVERSE is to SURVIVE!!!

This show is rated AD-Parental Guidance 13 for parental guidance. Persons Younger than 13 Should be Accompanied by an Adult. For more info:

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