It’s finally here… The end… Join the marooned astronaut from the past, George Taylor, as he makes a truly earth shattering discovery on this Simian Planet of the future… If he truly has a future…. And keep your ears attuned to this theatre of the mind for the return of some old “friends”…Hope you enjoy the episode!
Starring in this Episode are:
Mark Kalita as Cornelius and the Lawgiver
Bill Hollweg as Taylor
Natasha Lathrop as Dr. Zira
Gareth Preston as Dr Zaius
Colin Snow as Brent and Gorilla #1
Steven J. Cohen as Gorilla #2
Stevie Farnaby as Gorilla #3
Bill Hollweg as other Gorillas and the doll
John Dane as the Astronaut Hercule
Robin Carlisle as the Astronaut Venusia
And We have a SPECIAL GUEST voice actor in tonight’s episode!
From the POTA yahoo group, who ROCK!
Glen Witco Scheetz as Lucius
Check out Glen’s AWESOME art at the POTAyahoo group! Check out the site!!!
I would also like to thank James of The Lessons From the Lawgiver for tonight’s AWESOME LESSON- Written by James Aquila
And MANY thanks go out to my buds- Jack Ward & Shannon Hilche of the Sonic Society
As well as Jesse at SFFaudio- great guy with an AWSOME SITE!!!! Devoted to all things fantasy and sci-fi in the theatre of the mind!
And finally a HUGE THANK YOU to my Wife- who BELIEVES in my Dreams…
To all who are a part of this production or one of the LISTENERS and my fellow Hooligans at BrokenSea- I thank you and am humbled by your continued support of this audio dream of mine! And please listen to the credits at the end for more news on Simians and BrokenSea Productions….
Thank You! You the listener ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill Hollweg – Writer/Producer of POTA – 23jan2008
NOTE! This show is rated PG-13 for parental guidance 13. Thanks Jack/Shan and Jeremy!! For more info: