Arc 1 “The Sword is Forged.” Episode 5 “The Sword Beyond Sorrow”

Our heroes delve deep into the Tomb of Emperor Edgard and confront the truth behind the his crown and the Tattered Sorrows.

Written by Lothar Tuppan
Sound Design, Direction, and Mastering by Lothar Tuppan

Cover art by Bill Hollweg

Featured in the cast:
Robert Lang as Emperor Edgard
Bill Hollweg as Lorak
Stevie K Farnaby as Doran
Danika Didur-Tate as Kavida
Lothar Tuppan as Axelrak
Stephen Wehmeyer and Kerry Noonan as the Cardinals of the Harbingers
And Charlene Harris and Mikayla Bahry as the “One Who Walks Alone.”

The Opening theme music was “Global, Local, Personal” from the album “World in Flames” and “Sinestra” from the album “The Fall of Ragnaros” both by The Celestial Aeon Project. Closing music was “Far Away” from the Album “Fable” also by The Celestial Aeon Project. Music used with permission.

All other music by Lothar Tuppan.

The following Audio Drama is rated PG-13 (Persons Younger than 13 Should be Accompanied by an Adult). For more info:

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8 Responses to Arc 1 “The Sword is Forged.” Episode 5 “The Sword Beyond Sorrow”

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